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Writer's pictureAdventurous Dynamic Duo

The Warriors' Kitty


Thank you for meeting up with us for another, "Dynamic Duo Inspired Journey." Your Adventurous Dynamic Duo loves to travel and adventure. We are fascinated with doing different things and seeing amazing places. We believe in thinking outside of the box to accomplish our goals. Do you want to take an amazing trip? How about traveling the world for a while? What about doing an adventure you always wanted to, but you just never had the money, nor did you plan for it? Well, Warriors, we are here to tell you that you do not have to be rich to accomplish these goals. All it takes is going on one of your dream trips, then you will have the motivation to change your ways so you can continue to accomplish your bucket-list goals. Lol. 🤣🤣 At least, this is how we see it. Lol. 😂 On the for real side, the key is you must get creative with how you come up with your funds. It would be nice to be able to snap your fingers and the money is in your hands. It's magic! Lol. 😍😎😇 But, usually life just doesn’t work like magic, Warriors. At least, ours don't, does it, Babe?

Warriors, today, we are discussing exactly what we do, and that is, we use a "Kitty." What is a Kitty? It is a bucket that we set aside to put money into, just for our bucket list goals. We have buckets for each major bill. Warriors, essentially our "Kitty" is a form of budgeting. You see, we do not want to wait until we retire to live. We believe in enjoying life, while we are paying off other bills. Further, tomorrow is not promised to any of us, so we believe in living our life intentionally. Right now!

The word "Budget" tends to scare the, "You Know What," out of a lot of people. Say what! Lol. 😂🤣 That's because they feel it is going to limit their ability to enjoy activities. Warriors, we are here to tell you that it is not as complicated as most people think it is, nor as you may imagine. However, it is going to require a little motivation, some detail planning, and a little short and/or long term planning, and patience.

Your Adventurous Dynamic Duo, first start, with our bucket-list. We write down our bucket-list goals; making our visions clear/plain. Then, we create a vision board, to make it more visual, with pictures of the places and activities, we would like to one day accomplish off of our bucket-list. This helps keep us motivated by keeping the vision in front of us. The Duo, looks at our bucket-list frequently. Yes, Warriors, we would love to do more adventuring, but we are very appreciative to God for what HE has allowed us to do in the past year and a half. We are believing it and speaking it, and it is only going to get better and better. 🙌🏾🙌🏾

Next, we look at our total budget and how much income we have coming in. This is when, we decide on an amount we can put into the Kitty, Every pay period. When extra money comes our way, we divide it among our buckets, and put some into our Kitty. This Kitty is paying for airline tickets, hotels, cruises, tours while on vacation, and food. Essentially, Warriors, the Kitty is taking care of any and all adventures, we have on our bucket-list.

So, how do we plan what we are going to do next and when?????? We look at what doesn't cost a lot to do and what we can do, now. Also, we look at a few adventures that cost a bit more, and for these experiences, we save for a longer period of time. Plus, we have to look at whether we have the allotted time for these activities. So, the goal is to plan, plan, and plan. Believe it or not, the money in the Kitty can accumulate quickly. Remember, to keep your hands out of it! You must be faithful, in order to reach your Kitty goals.

Another avenue to consider is, having access to good credit. We may charge a trip way in advance to get a good deal, and then, we pay it off quickly. Sometimes, it isn't always before we get charged interest, but we always, attempt to pay it off as soon as we can. The goal is to pay it off before incurring interest charges. You got that, Adventurous Dynamic Duo? Duo... get it together! You can do it! Lol. 😂🤣🤪

We research to get our best deals for airfares and hotels. Maybe, use a travel group; this way we/you will have months to pay the trip off. It's kinda like putting it on a lay-away plan. Lol. 🤔 The Adventurous Dynamic Duo has so many places and activities that we want to accomplish on our bucket-list, so we're not picky about which one to do first. For us, sometimes, the opportunity presents itself. Other times, we may just see a great deal that influences us to take it now, or we just may decide on a particular place we want to go to next/now, so we save for it.

As mentioned earlier, our biggest motivation to have a Kitty, has been to actually go on a trip. The reality of accomplishing activities off of our bucket-list, makes it all worth it. The more we travel and tap into our adventures off our bucket-list, we, now, cut back on going to the movies, eating out, going to fancy restaurants, shopping and buying unnecessary clothing or other items. We are using our money (Our Kitty) to go to other countries, islands, and activities we have always dreamed of doing. Our dreams are now becoming a reality.

We are always approached by the myth, that in order to travel, we: must be rich, make a lot of money, and/or we have won the lottery. But, the fact is, "Normal" people can travel, y'all! Yes, International travel isn't just for the rich and famous, or the privileged. If you want it, you can, truly, have it. It takes starting a, "Travel Kitty." You will see that the sky is the limit to, where you will go, what you will see, and what you will do. Yes! You will need to spend less, save more, and possibly find a way to earn extra cash on the side. It is going to take some sacrificing but you won't regret it; it is well worth the sacrifice. Remember, it usually takes several streams of income to live the way you want to live. Managing your money is a skill, and it takes practice to truly get it right. It really boils down to, how much do you want this? When you first start, it seems really difficult, but as your "Kitty" grows, your confidence will soar, “Like an Eagle.“ 🦅🦅

As we soar, our eyes are opening up to new adventures, learning more about different cultures, and seeing this beautiful world. We are truly living our best lives! We want you to live your best life too! Warriors, it's your time NOW, to see the world, start living your goals, and adventuring beyond, your comfort zones. Get your "Travel Kitty" started now. It will be a sacrifice; however, you will thank us later. (Really) Tap in now to, "Live Life Intentionally."

It is always a great time sharing with, you all. The Adventurous Dynamic Duo, model is: "Don't go broke traveling; pay prior, to going on your trip." As we grow, we want you to grow too! It is never too late, to live your best life. It is time to, "Plan, Save, Execute, and have Fun! Warriors, read from the book, "More of You God," on page 134, May 9, it talks about having patience and waiting on God. Also, read the scriptures, Habakkuk 2:3 and Galatians 6:9, as we put God, first, in our lives, our harvest will come and it will be bountiful. AMEN!

Warriors, thanks again for checking in. If you aren't receiving our reminders and updates, please, don't forget to join our weekly blog by signing in with your email address and the code: ZEJFNW. This way, we can stay connected. Additionally, if you have any special topics you would like for us to discuss, please let us know.

The Adventurous Dynamic Duo love you!❤️❤️❤️

Jackie & Sidney

To Purchase the book, “More of You God,” click on the link:

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